Remedy For Cold And Sneezing
The Remody For Cold And Sneezing
1. As annoying as it is to be under the sneezing spell, which could continue for minutes and minutes nonstop, sneezing is necessary for our body as it helps us stay healthy. It is an involuntary action which acts as a defense mechanism of the body. When any kind of bacteria or virus enters our nasal lining, the brain responds to it. The act of sneezing is this reflex response, when our nose protects us from external germs or any other unwanted particles.
Apart from being a sacred Indian plant, Tulsi has multiple health benefits. Tulsi leaves have powerful antibacterial properties that can fight off a range of dangerous infections. Boil a cup of water with 3-4 Tulsi leaves. Consume the mixture daily before bed time for 2-3 days and notice the difference.
Krishna Thulasi
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